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Detailed trademark information from the China mainland trademark database
Chinese word mark 地奥
English word mark

Registration number 1038551 Trademark 地奥
Class class 5 Register affiche issue 597
Application Date 1995-07-27 First trial affiche 585
Register date 1997-06-28 Renew date
Trademark types General Trademark
Goods and Services
사람 약 ,
Trademark possessor
cheng dou di ao zhi yao ji tuan you xian gong si
si chuan sheng cheng dou shi gao xin qu gao xin da dao chuang ye lu 2 6 hao
Protection Term
2017-06-28 to 2027-06-27 Appoint Time
Date of International
Priority Date
Color Joint Trademark not
Agency name 成都市商标事务所
Similar Group
Trademark gazette
1997-06-28 No.597 Trademark registration gazette page 1233 Look
1997-03-28 No.585 Trademark preliminary examination gazette page 111 Look
2007-09-14 No.1087 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1373 Look
2007-08-21 No.1084 Trademark Renewal gazette page 1699 Look
2008-01-13 No.1103 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 2656 Look
2005-02-14 No.963 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1153 Look
2006-01-14 No.1007 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1289 Look
2002-08-14 No.843 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 787 Look
1999-10-14 No.707 商标注册人名义及地址变更公告 page 617 Look
2003-06-14 No.883 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 845 Look
2007-08-21 No.1084 Trademark Renewal gazette page 1699 Look
2007-08-21 No.1084 Trademark Renewal gazette page 1699 Look
2012-04-13 No.1307 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 5823 Look
2010-05-13 No.1215 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 6740 Look
2010-12-13 No.1243 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 7433 Look
2017-02-06 No.1538 Trademark Renewal gazette page 15976 Look
2017-09-27 No.1569 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 17432 Look

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