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Detailed trademark information from the China mainland trademark database
Chinese word mark 晶川
English word mark

Registration number 212873 Trademark 晶川
Class class 32 Register affiche issue 102
Application Date 1984-02-20 First trial affiche 96
Register date 1984-09-30 Renew date
Trademark types General Trademark
Goods and Services
사이다 , 주스 ,
Trademark possessor
李杰夫 护照号码:
Protection Term
2024-09-30 to 2034-09-29 Appoint Time
Date of International
Priority Date
Color Joint Trademark not
Agency name
Similar Group
Trademark gazette
1986-08-20 No.152 商标注册人名义及地址变更公告 page 199 Look
1998-07-14 No.647 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 736 Look
2000-10-14 No.755 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 899 Look
2000-02-14 No.723 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 692 Look
2000-02-14 No.723 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 691 Look
1999-10-14 No.707 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 670 Look
2000-04-14 No.731 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 670 Look
2001-12-14 No.811 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 895 Look
2002-01-14 No.815 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1091 Look
2001-06-14 No.787 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 897 Look
2002-12-14 No.859 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1431 Look
2002-12-14 No.859 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1431 Look
1984-09-30 No.102 Trademark registration gazette page 191 Look
1984-06-30 No.96 Trademark preliminary examination gazette page 56 Look
2002-07-14 No.839 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 854 Look
2002-06-14 No.835 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 863 Look
2002-07-14 No.839 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 854 Look
1995-07-14 No.503 注册商标转让公告 page 441 Look
2009-03-20 No.1160 商标转让公告 page 4516 Look
2015-09-14 No.1471 Trademark registrant and address modification gazette page 12549 Look
2001-03-14 No.775 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 936 Look
2001-03-14 No.775 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 936 Look
1985-09-30 No.126 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 227 Look
1999-11-14 No.711 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 607 Look
1999-08-14 No.699 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 630 Look
2000-09-14 No.751 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 896 Look
1995-09-21 No.512 商标续展注册公告 page 450 Look
2004-02-14 No.915 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 1201 Look
2004-12-21 No.956 Trademark Renewal gazette page 751 Look
2024-07-13 No.1895 Trademark registrant and address modification gazette page 156024 Look
2024-08-06 No.1898 Trademark Renewal gazette page 183575 Look

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