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Detailed trademark information from the China mainland trademark database
Chinese word mark
English word mark cheng shin

Registration number 344929 Trademark
Class class 24 Register affiche issue 247
Application Date 1988-06-22 First trial affiche 238
Register date 1989-04-10 Renew date
Trademark types General Trademark
Goods and Services
Pneumatici ,
Trademark possessor
sha men zheng xin xiang jiao gong ye you xian gong si
sha men shi ji mei qu xing lin xi bin lu 1 5 hao
Protection Term
2019-04-10 to 2029-04-09 Appoint Time
Date of International
Priority Date
Color Joint Trademark not
Agency name 中国专利代理(香港)有限公司
Similar Group
Trademark gazette
1999-01-21 No.672 商标续展注册公告 page 592 Look
1993-03-14 No.391 商标注册人名义及地址变更公告 page 216 Look
1989-04-10 No.247 Trademark registration gazette page 195 Look
1997-07-28 No.601 注册商标转让公告 page 559 Look
2004-11-14 No.951 商标注册人名义及地址变更公告 page 1347 Look
2009-04-20 No.1164 Trademark Renewal gazette page 4362 Look
2000-02-14 No.723 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 649 Look
2003-06-14 No.883 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 831 Look
1989-01-10 No.238 Trademark preliminary examination gazette page 66 Look
2012-02-13 No.1299 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 5821 Look
2012-02-13 No.1299 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 5821 Look
2012-02-13 No.1299 Treadenark Record of licence contract gazette page 5822 Look
2018-06-06 No.1602 Trademark Renewal gazette page 152061 Look
2018-12-20 No.1628 Trademark License Record Gazette page 215208 Look
2018-12-27 No.1629 Trademark License Record Gazette page 202071 Look
2018-12-27 No.1629 Trademark License Record Gazette page 202069 Look
2018-12-27 No.1629 Trademark License Record Gazette page 202070 Look
2018-12-27 No.1629 Trademark License Record Gazette page 202068 Look
2019-03-13 No.1639 Trademark License Record Gazette page 208933 Look

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