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  Databases: china mainland Classes: 1-45
  Total similar results: 2986
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Number: 55771126 Class: 12
Owner: 江苏高合鑫汽车科技有限公司
jiang su gao he xin qi che ke ji you xian gong si

Number: 66698005 Class: 31
Owner: 山东高信万鑫农业开发有限公司
shan dong gao xin wan xin nong ye kai fa you xian gong si

Number: 44756042 Class: 35
Owner: 高新开发区鑫湾生活超市
gao xin kai fa qu xin wan sheng huo chao shi

Number: 62645727 Class: 37
Owner: 榆林市高新区鑫迹工程有限责任公司
yu lin shi gao xin qu xin ji gong cheng you xian ze ren gong si

Number: 34946037 Class: 16
Owner: 高鑫
gao xin

Number: 63345553 Class: 35
Owner: 高鑫哲
gao xin zhe

Number: 47676873 Class: 7
Owner: 常州市武进高新区智鑫焊割机械有限公司
chang zhou shi wu jin gao xin qu zhi xin han ge ji xie you xian gong si

Number: 14834137 Class: 7
Owner: 高碑店市鑫宏达农业机械有限公司
gao bei dian shi xin hong da nong ye ji xie you xian gong si

Number: 60327288 Class: 12
Owner: 温岭市高鑫汽摩配件有限公司
wen ling shi gao xin qi mo pei jian you xian gong si

Number: 65751926 Class: 43
Owner: 高鑫哲
gao xin zhe

Number: 56725186 Class: 37
Owner: 高鑫玉
gao xin yu

Number: 47707176 Class: 2
Owner: 高密市鑫云新型材料科技有限公司
gao mi shi xin yun xin xing cai liao ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 10574857 Class: 43
Owner: 榆林市高新区鑫蜀国传情餐饮有限公司
yu lin shi gao xin qu xin shu guo qing can yin you xian gong si


Number: 61941217 Class: 3
Owner: 宿州高鑫塑业有限公司
xiu zhou gao xin su ye you xian gong si


Number: 71611174 Class: 44
Owner: 广东高鑫信息股份有限公司
guang dong gao xin xin xi gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 71611174 Class: 41
Owner: 广东高鑫信息股份有限公司
guang dong gao xin xin xi gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 71447266 Class: 25
Owner: 高密市鑫途防护用品有限公司
gao mi shi xin tu fang hu yong pin you xian gong si


Number: 70276816 Class: 29
Owner: 秦皇岛高鑫农业科技有限公司
qin huang dao gao xin nong ye ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 71449181 Class: 31
Owner: 高邑县蒲鑫农业专业合作社
gao yi xian pu xin nong ye zhuan ye he zuo she


Number: 60286479 Class: 33
Owner: 高安习鑫贸易有限公司
gao an xin mao yi you xian gong si

Total similar results: 2986 Did nothing in 0.9665 seconds

Disclaimer: This is a name-screening tool and there is no guarantee that it will find all potentially conflicting registrations or that the found "similar" trademarks will pose a relevant problem in the naming matter at hand. search results do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with a lawyer about your particular case.

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