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  Databases: china mainland Classes: 1-45
  Total similar results: 20
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唐宫 tanggong

Number: 539903 Class: 19
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂劳动服务公司
luo yang bo li chang lao dong fu wu gong si


Number: 518984 Class: 21
Owner: 河南省洛阳市新安县华晶玻璃器皿厂
he nan sheng luo yang shi xin an xian hua jing bo li qi min chang


Number: 382272 Class: 19
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂劳动服务公司
luo yang bo li chang lao dong fu wu gong si

腾龙 tenglong

Number: 826788 Class: 11
Owner: 洛阳市玻璃钢厂
luo yang shi bo li gang chang

龙门 longmen

Number: 624255 Class: 21
Owner: 洛阳市龙门玻璃厂
luo yang shi long men bo li chang

Number: 676818 Class: 21
Owner: 洛阳市灯泡厂玻璃器皿分厂
luo yang shi deng pao chang bo li qi min fen chang


Number: 8935506 Class: 19
Owner: 洛阳市老城区恒德工艺玻璃加工厂
luo yang shi lao cheng qu heng de gong yi bo li gong chang


Number: 538937 Class: 19
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂砂岩矿耐火材料厂
luo yang bo li chang yan kuang nai huo cai liao chang

洛玻杯 lbb

Number: 549946 Class: 20
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂青岛经销联营公司
luo yang bo li chang qing dao jing xiao lian ying gong si

蓝宝石 lbs

Number: 685813 Class: 21
Owner: 洛阳特色玻璃厂
luo yang te se bo li chang


Number: 537888 Class: 19
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂砂岩矿加工防尘服务站
luo yang bo li chang yan kuang gong fang chen fu wu zhan

伊阙 yique

Number: 293242 Class: 11
Owner: 洛阳市玻璃钢厂
luo yang shi bo li gang chang


Number: 8935507 Class: 20
Owner: 洛阳市老城区恒德工艺玻璃加工厂
luo yang shi lao cheng qu heng de gong yi bo li gong chang


Number: 8935508 Class: 21
Owner: 洛阳市老城区恒德工艺玻璃加工厂
luo yang shi lao cheng qu heng de gong yi bo li gong chang

雪富龙 xuefulong

Number: 1650073 Class: 11
Owner: 河南通舆集团股份有限公司洛阳玻璃钢设备厂
he nan tong yu ji tuan gu fen you xian gong si luo yang bo li gang she bei chang


Number: 382404 Class: 17
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂
luo yang bo li chang

凤林 fenglin

Number: 641950 Class: 20
Owner: 洛阳市精工镀膜玻璃工艺厂
luo yang shi jing gong du mo bo li gong yi chang

碧空 bikong

Number: 1004300 Class: 24
Owner: 洛阳建玉玻璃纤维制品总厂
luo yang jian yu bo li xian wei zhi pin zong chang


Number: 382272 Class: 20
Owner: 洛阳玻璃厂劳动服务公司
luo yang bo li chang lao dong fu wu gong si


Number: 67082400 Class: 19
Owner: 洛阳豪迪玻璃厂
luo yang hao di bo li chang

Total similar results: 20 Did nothing in 1.4775 seconds

Disclaimer: This is a name-screening tool and there is no guarantee that it will find all potentially conflicting registrations or that the found "similar" trademarks will pose a relevant problem in the naming matter at hand. search results do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with a lawyer about your particular case.

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