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  Databases: china mainland Classes: 1-45
  Total similar results: 51
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Number: 61753028 Class: 9
Owner: 福建启航正欣科技有限公司
fu jian qi hang zheng xin ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 20681735 Class: 21
Owner: 成都市启欣文化传播有限公司
cheng dou shi qi xin wen hua bo you xian gong si


Number: 808999 Class: 32
Owner: 启欣国际股份有限公司
qi xin guo ji gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 62599066 Class: 35
Owner: 杭州启明欣辰生物科技有限公司
hang zhou qi ming xin chen sheng wu ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 63092472 Class: 40
Owner: 内蒙古垚晨启欣畜牧养殖有限公司
nei meng gu yao chen qi xin chu mu yang zhi you xian gong si


Number: 62585407 Class: 10
Owner: 杭州启明欣辰生物科技有限公司
hang zhou qi ming xin chen sheng wu ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 63098458 Class: 39
Owner: 内蒙古垚晨启欣畜牧养殖有限公司
nei meng gu yao chen qi xin chu mu yang zhi you xian gong si


Number: 64073630 Class: 37
Owner: 启东欣润智能家居有限公司
qi dong xin run zhi neng jia ju you xian gong si


Number: 65895687 Class: 37
Owner: 启东荣欣装潢设计有限公司
qi dong rong xin zhuang guang she ji you xian gong si


Number: 66386522 Class: 1
Owner: 江苏启程禹欣新材料科技有限公司
jiang su qi cheng yu xin xin cai liao ke ji you xian gong si

Number: 20679243 Class: 41
Owner: 成都市启欣文化传播有限公司
cheng dou shi qi xin wen hua bo you xian gong si

Number: 54581526 Class: 45
Owner: 深圳市中启欣知识产权管理有限公司
shen chou shi zhong qi xin zhi shi chan quan guan li you xian gong si

Number: 20679026 Class: 16
Owner: 成都市启欣文化传播有限公司
cheng dou shi qi xin wen hua bo you xian gong si

Number: 66374559 Class: 35
Owner: 江苏启程禹欣新材料科技有限公司
jiang su qi cheng yu xin xin cai liao ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 55042178 Class: 18
Owner: 启东欣美合成皮革有限公司
qi dong xin mei he cheng pi ge you xian gong si


Number: 17825871 Class: 25
Owner: 北京启迪思欣投资管理有限公司
bei jing qi di si xin tou zi guan li you xian gong si


Number: 62061622 Class: 3
Owner: 杭州启明欣辰生物科技有限公司
hang zhou qi ming xin chen sheng wu ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 57942461 Class: 9
Owner: 深圳市启欣商贸有限公司
shen chou shi qi xin shang mao you xian gong si


Number: 64352197 Class: 35
Owner: 启东欣荣达劳务有限公司
qi dong xin rong da lao wu you xian gong si


Number: 16943764 Class: 12
Owner: 天津盈启欣国际贸易有限公司
tian jin ying qi xin guo ji mao yi you xian gong si

Total similar results: 51 Did nothing in 0.9216 seconds


Disclaimer: This is a name-screening tool and there is no guarantee that it will find all potentially conflicting registrations or that the found "similar" trademarks will pose a relevant problem in the naming matter at hand. search results do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with a lawyer about your particular case.

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