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How to apply for cancellation of my registered trademark

1. Brief description The registrant shall promptly apply to the Trademark Office for the cancellation of the registered trademark if registrant no longer uses the registered trademark 2. Handle pathways There are two ways to apply for cancellation of registered trademarks: (A) Entrusted to handle the trademark agency in the Trademark Office for record. (B) The applicant directly to the Trademark Office trademark registration hall for (Zhong G uan C un National Innovation Model Park applicant and Trademark Office in the Zhong G uan C un National Innovation Demonstration Zone Offices, Office Address: Haidian District, Beijing down temple on the 9th Haidian District Branch of the Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and administrative offices on the second floor of the hall). 3. T he preparation of application form Should submit the following documents to apply for cancellation of a registered trademark: 1 . "Application for Trademark Cancellation" . Part of the application is canceled; you should fill out the application for cancellation of the goods or services; 2 . R eturn the original trademark registration, the reasons cannot be returned; 3 . The applicant a copy of a seal or signed by a recognized subject qualification documents (a copy of the business license, ID card, etc.); 4. Directly to the trademark registration hall for submission Manager Original and photocopy of identity card (original refund after matching); entrust a trademark agency to carry out, submit a Power of Attorney; 5 . O n behalf of the registered person have changed, apply for cancellation should apply for cancellation after the change in the name of, but should provide the proof of registration issued by the department to change. 4. N ote 1 . In accordance with the requirements in the application one by one fill (application for cancellation of all, do not need to fill out a "cancellation of Goods / Services" column), and must be typed or printed; applicant is a natural person, should be completed after his name identity documents number. 2 . The cancellation of the registered trademark, the applicant must be a registrant of a registered trademark. 3 . Applies only to the registered trademark of cancellation, without fee; Applicants need to abandon the application for registration should apply for withdrawal of the application for trademark registration. 4 . Cannot be turned over to the Registration Certificate should explain why. 5 . O n behalf of the registered person has changed; the changes to the original proof should apply for cancellation of business registration department or higher authorities issued. 6. After the cancellation of a registered trademark of the application has been approved, issued to the applicant approved notice of cancellation, and published in the Trademark Gazette; Apply for partial cancellation should be strictly in accordance with the approved registration certificate use the project name of the goods or services need to fill out the cancellation of goods or services; apply for partial cancellation upon approval, will be re-issued by the Trademark Registration Certificate. Application category should fill in accordance with the international trademark registration "approved classification categories. 5. A special declaration (A) Above is not the State Industry and Commerce Administration or the State Industry and Commerce Administration Trademark Office formally issued, therefore, all the contents are instructive, is not legally binding. (B) Above was amended in March 2010 If you later change, or is inconsistent with the requirements of trademark registration hall reception staff in the process should be based on the requirements of the reception staff.

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