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Advanced PCT Roving Seminars Held in China

Jun 28,2024

The Advanced Roving Seminars on Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), co-hosted by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), were held successively in Tianjin and Hubei.

At the seminars, experts from the CNIPA and WIPO gave detailed presentations on the latest progress and practical uses of the PCT system. They also addressed questions raised by attendees, aiming to enhance the understanding of the PCT system among innovators and service agencies, boost their capacity to effectively utilize the PCT system, and improve their practical skills in PCT application processes.

Approximately 300 representatives from related enterprises, universities, IP service agencies, the Patent Examination Cooperation Hubei Center and Tianjin Center of the CNIPA's Patent Office, and various local IP administrations participated in the seminars.

Following the seminars, the attending experts paid research visits to relevant enterprises and research institutions.(Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)

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