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  Databases: china mainland Classes: 1-45
  Total similar results: 164
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Number: 7485027 Class: 25
Owner: 晋江市陈埭爱龄特鞋业有限公司
jin jiang shi chen dai ai ling te xie ye you xian gong si


Number: 53049955 Class: 35
Owner: 陈琦特
chen qi te


Number: 34241595 Class: 29
Owner: 紫云县陈小令特产电子商务商行
zi yun xian chen xiao ling te chan dian zi shang wu shang xing


Number: 60686932 Class: 32
Owner: 白山市陈氏山珍土特产有限公司
bai shan shi chen shi shan zhen tu te chan you xian gong si


Number: 53047086 Class: 35
Owner: 陈琦特
chen qi te

风飘香 FPX

Number: 5042485 Class: 3
Owner: 陈特
chen te

养蛇人 CS

Number: 49405997 Class: 10
Owner: 景德镇陈锋特种野生动物科技开发有限公司
jing de zhen chen feng te zhong ye sheng dong wu ke ji kai fa you xian gong si


Number: 39085182 Class: 29
Owner: 陈特钦
chen te qin

侨侬 qiaonong

Number: 1256652 Class: 25
Owner: 义乌市大陈特区制衣厂
yi wu shi da chen te qu zhi yi chang


Number: 40930613 Class: 35
Owner: 陈伟特
chen wei te


Number: 66491706 Class: 30
Owner: 陈伟特
chen wei te


Number: 10751412 Class: 29
Owner: 凤城市四门子镇陈老大土特产品经销部
feng cheng shi si men zi zhen chen lao da tu te chan pin jing xiao bu

Number: 7998686 Class: 25
Owner: 晋江市陈埭爱龄特鞋业有限公司
jin jiang shi chen dai ai ling te xie ye you xian gong si

Number: 1938511 Class: 25
Owner: 福建省晋江市陈埭新奇特鞋业有限公司
fu jian sheng jin jiang shi chen dai xin qi te xie ye you xian gong si

Number: 22124280 Class: 25
Owner: 福建省晋江市陈埭新奇特鞋业有限公司
fu jian sheng jin jiang shi chen dai xin qi te xie ye you xian gong si

Number: 7998652 Class: 25
Owner: 晋江市陈埭爱龄特鞋业有限公司
jin jiang shi chen dai ai ling te xie ye you xian gong si

Number: 61671458 Class: 25
Owner: 陈韩特
chen han te


Number: 56040218 Class: 20
Owner: 陈潘特
chen pan te


Number: 68273220 Class: 25
Owner: 陈宇特
chen yu te

Number: 7998660 Class: 25
Owner: 晋江市陈埭爱龄特鞋业有限公司
jin jiang shi chen dai ai ling te xie ye you xian gong si

Total similar results: 164 Did nothing in 2.5515 seconds

Disclaimer: This is a name-screening tool and there is no guarantee that it will find all potentially conflicting registrations or that the found "similar" trademarks will pose a relevant problem in the naming matter at hand. search results do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with a lawyer about your particular case.

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